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Episode 32: What are personal injury lawsuits?

Audio Transcript

Roxell Richards here, your favorite injury attorney and I have a question and that question is what are personal injury lawsuits? Well, I just want to give you a situation so that you can pretty much understand what personal injury lawsuits are. So if you have been injured as a result of something that maybe happened or a product or anything like that, you will actually have a remedy and that remedy is you can hire an attorney or if you want to take it upon yourself and do that, you can. You can file a claim against that entity or that person for the actual compensation for the injuries that you have had as a result of that accident. So that is a personal injury lawsuit and that’s why you would want to bring it. Now unlike criminal courts, you can’t, you know, ask for jail time or anything like that. You can’t ask for restitution or anything like that. Your only remedy is to actually file a lawsuit against that entity or that person who has actually caused your bodily injury and it takes the right skilled attorney that understands how to prove your claim to get you compensation. So if you need to file a personal injury lawsuit, I ask that you give me a call. I would love to help you. My name is Roxell Richards. I practice here in Houston, Texas as well as other states across the nation. Our consultations are free. All you have to do is give us a call, 713-974-0388 or go to our website at www.getinjuryhelp.net. Thank you. You better ask a lawyer. Powered by Roxell Richards Law Firm.

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