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Attorney Roxell Richards

Kianna McKinney

Demand Writer


Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, LA
* Juris Doctor Candidate, May 2025

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Criminal Justice Minor, May 2022
* Member, Pre-Law Society
* Member, National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice

Attorney Roxell Richards

Demand Writer

Kianna McKinney

As a Demand Writer, my journey began in vibrant Houston, Texas, where I pursued a degree in Political Science at Sam Houston State University. Driven by a deep curiosity about the world, I’ve embarked on a path towards a law degree. Beyond academics, I lead a fulfilling life enriched by diverse interests. Reading expands my horizons, fitness keeps me balanced, and movies provide a welcome escape. Traveling allows me to immerse myself in different cultures, while learning new languages fosters personal growth. Family remains at the heart of my life, offering both joy and support. My journey is a continuous pursuit of growth and making a meaningful impact, both personally and professionally.

My Why

I started working at RR Firm because I needed a job in the field, I want to have a career in. I stayed because of how I’m treated at the firm. Because of how I feel when I can alleviate at least some of the pain and concerns our clients bring to us. My concerns have been met with solutions plus the firm is very accommodating and understanding. I’ve been encouraged to
continue pursuing my career goals and that means a lot to me.

I believe my values align with the firm because, as a future attorney, I want to serve my community in ways they can’t serve themselves. There are so many resources out there for our clients, but they may not have access to them. I want to give them that. They are just as deserving of assistance as anybody else. I also want to pass this “want” to others. Regardless
of if its in the legal field or in some other capacity.

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