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Texas Car Accidents on the Rise in January

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Roxell Richards

As January draws to a close, we are observing a worrisome trend in Texas: car accidents are on the rise.

Reports indicate a significant increase in the number of collisions being reported across the state. This is a major cause for concern, as car accidents not only result in injuries and fatalities but also have a major impact on the economy and society as a whole.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the reasons behind this trend and explore what can be done to prevent car accidents and keep Texas residents safe on the roads.

Statistics on Texas Car Accidents

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reports that there were more than 12,000 auto accidents in Texas in just January 2021.

Additionally, compared to the prior year, this represents a huge rise. Actually, there were slightly over 10,000 auto accidents in January 2019 instead.

Also, according to TxDOT, there were over 500 fatal auto accidents in Texas in January 2021, a rise from the same month the previous year.

These figures demonstrate that the number of car accidents in Texas is significantly rising.

In fact, these figures are not only alarming. But, they also emphasize the need for more knowledge and instruction on Texas car accidents.

We’re delighted to share essential information regarding Texas car accidents and preventative measures with you in this blog post. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Common Causes of Texas Car Accidents

Indeed, car accidents are a major concern in Texas. That’s why understanding the common causes of these accidents is crucial. This is because it prevents and minimizes Texas personal injury incidents.

Among the common causes of car accidents in Texas are those involving personal injury, bicycle accidents, jaywalking accidents, and pedestrian accidents.

Personal injury accidents

Personal injury cases or accidents, commonly known as “collision” accidents, are among the most prevalent causes of vehicle accidents in Texas.

When one car collides with another, one or more of the drivers or passengers is injured or killed. Personal injury accidents can be caused by a multitude of reasons, including distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding.

Bicycle accidents

The second common cause of Texas car accidents is Bicycle accidents. These incidents occur when a vehicle or truck collides with a bicycle.

Bicyclists are more vulnerable to injury or death in these sorts of collisions because they have little protection from the force of a bigger vehicle.

Distracted drivers, cars who fail to cede the right of way to bicycles, and drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs are all common causes of bicycle accidents in Texas.

The sad reality is, most of the victims and perpetrators are minimum wage earners. So, it’s quite difficult for both of them to claim legal remedies.

Jaywalking accidents

Also, one of the common causes of Texas car accidents is Jaywalking accidents.These incidents happen when a car strikes a pedestrian.. All while crossing a pedestrian crossing or street outside of a designated crosswalk.

Jaywalking accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including distracted drivers, drivers who fail to yield the right of way to pedestrians, and drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Pedestrians are particularly vulnerable to injury or wrongful death in these types of accidents, as they have little protection from the impact of a larger vehicle.

Pedestrian accidents

Pedestrian accidents are another common cause of car accidents in Texas. These accidents occur when a pedestrian is struck by a car or truck while walking or running on a pedestrian walk, road, or highway.

Pedestrian accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including distracted drivers, drivers who fail to yield the right of way to pedestrians, and drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

When vehicles hit a pedestrian jaywalking, serious troubles arise. And more often than not, victims are helpless as personal injury claim processes are quite difficult to undergo.

Texas Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them

It’s important to understand the common causes of car accidents in Texas in order to take preventative measures to avoid them. 

Here are some steps that drivers can take to avoid car accidents in Texas:

  • Stay focused on the road: Avoid distractions while driving and stay alert at all times.
  • Don’t drink and drive: If you plan on drinking, arrange for a designated driver or take a taxi or ride-sharing service.
  • Obey traffic laws: Follow posted speed limits and obey traffic signals and signs.
  • Check the weather: Before heading out on the road, check the forecast and plan your route accordingly.

Texas Car Accidents: New Laws to Protect You

The state of Texas has several laws in place to protect drivers from car accidents. These include:

  • The “Move Over, Slow Down” law

This law requires drivers to move over or slow down when approaching a stopped emergency vehicle on the side of the road.

The “Move Over, Slow Down” law in Texas is intended to protect emergency responders and other service personnel who are working on the side of a roadway.

The law states that when a driver approaches a stopped emergency vehicle, the driver must either move or slow down. They should lower their speed below the speed limit.

The purpose of this law is to give emergency responders and other service personnel a safer working environment. And, to reduce the number of accidents and injuries that occur when they are working on the side of the road.

Failure to comply with the “Move Over, Slow Down” law can result in a fine and/or points on the driver’s license.

  • The “Click It or Ticket” law

 This law requires all drivers and passengers to wear seat belts while in a moving vehicle.

The “Click It or Ticket” law is a safety campaign and law that requires all drivers and passengers in a moving vehicle to wear seat belts.

This law is enforced by law enforcement agencies in the state of Texas and is intended to reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents.

The law applies to all occupants of a vehicle, regardless of their seating position, and includes both front and back seat passengers.

Drivers can be ticketed and fined for failing to wear a seatbelt or for failing to ensure that passengers under the age of 17 are properly restrained. The law also applies to all types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, vans, and buses.

Wearing a seat belt can significantly reduce the risk of injury or death in the event of a crash. And, the “Click It or Ticket” campaign is designed to remind drivers and passengers of the importance of buckling up.

  • The “No Refusal” law

This law allows law enforcement officers to obtain a warrant for a blood sample if a driver refuses to take a breath test during a DWI stop.

The “No Refusal” law is a law that is specific to the state of Texas. It allows law enforcement officers to obtain a warrant for a blood sample from a driver who is suspected of driving while under the influence of alcohol (DWI). This happens if the driver refuses to take a breath test.

This law is intended to increase the ability of law enforcement to gather evidence in DWI cases and to deter drivers from refusing to take a breath test when they are pulled over on suspicion of DWI.

Under this law, when a driver refuses to take a breath test, law enforcement officers can apply for and obtain a warrant from a judge to require the driver to provide a blood sample.

The warrant can only be issued if the officer has probable cause to believe that the driver is under the influence of alcohol and is at fault for the accident.

In order to obtain the warrant, the officer must have the driver read and sign a form that explains the legal implications of refusing to take a breath test. This includes the possibility of obtaining a blood warrant.

It’s important to note that this law does not change the standard of probable cause for a DWI arrest, it just allows for another method of obtaining evidence. Also, it does not change the penalties for DWI, it just gives the officer another option for obtaining evidence if the driver refuses a breath test.

It’s also important to mention that even if a driver consents to a blood draw, they still have the right to consult with a personal injury lawyer before they consent to it.\

Texas Car Accidents: Why you need a personal injury lawyer

We’ll never know when we’ll meet car accidents. But we’ll always know what to do when we meet one if – we have a personal injury lawyer on our side.

Filing a personal injury case or personal injury lawsuit, or filing an insurance claim with our insurance company will always be much easier if we have a personal injury attorney ready to help us.


In conclusion, car accidents in Texas are on the rise in January, and it’s important to understand the common causes, take preventative measures and be aware of the laws that protect us while on the road. 

Whenever you’re driving, always be mindful of your actions and make the necessary adjustments to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

So if you’re in Texas or someone you love is, and you meet a car accident, don’t hesitate to call us at (713) 974-0388) for help or free consultation.

You don’t need to search us on different job posting sites. All you need is to call us and we can assist you to your car accident needs.

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