Houston Catastrophic Accident Lawyer
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“No matter how big or small your injury is, we are committed for fighting justice the same” -Attorney Roxell Richards

Accidents oftentimes lead to physical injuries. Road accidents involving motor vehicles such as cars, trucks, or motorcycles, for example, could lead to whiplash injuries. In fact, workplace injuries such as industrial accidents or construction accidents could injure workers and employees alike.
And no doubt, individuals who sustain injuries from an accident have to endure so much pain and suffering.
Also, some accident victims may need to make a quick trip to the emergency room for immediate medical care. However, some accident victims may be required to stay in the hospital for extended periods. Because they suffer from very serious physical injuries.
Atty. Roxell Richards, personal injury attorney from Houston, TX
Certainly, going through the experience of a catastrophic injury is indeed a traumatic event. Also, aside from dealing with the trauma, you need to face realities such as physically recovering from any injuries or afflictions caused by the accident. And then, you also have to deal with real-world problems such as paying for the bills you’ve racked up–whether it’s for your medical treatments or repairs.
But in reality, not everyone has enough money to be able to deal with the effects of catastrophic injury without processing their claims with their insurance company. Also, another sad fact of the reality is that dealing with insurance companies can be a burden, as well. In fact, the process of reimbursing victims for their losses with your insurance can be tedious and complicated.
Also, a great help with all these complications is hiring a good catastrophic injury lawyer with professional experience. And you may think you don’t need one because you don’t expect to go to court, but representing you in court is not the only thing a catastrophic injury lawyer can do for you.
Furthermore, one of the major actions your amusement catastrophic injury attorney can do is negotiate with the insurance company. And whether it’s having discussions with your or the other party’s insurance company, having someone knowledgeable about the accident law can help you get the right compensation for you. Also, having someone you can rely on to discuss legal matters lessens the additional pressure. And minimizes the anxiety of having to deal with matters you are not familiar with.
Nonetheless, as an attorney, he or she can represent you in court, should your catastrophic injury case escalate to that. But, before that even happens, it’s better that you already hire a personal injury lawyer. Because your lawyer can help you with paperwork, negotiations, and court appearances.
What are catastrophic injuries?
Accident victims who suffer from catastrophic injuries are people who have sustained immense physical injuries. These injuries could be so severe that the victims’ bodies cannot fully recover from the serious damage.
The permanent damage compromises the victim’s quality of life, as he or she will be unable to return to his or her normal bodily function prior to the accident.
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What is considered a catastrophic injury?
A catastrophic injury is a general term for sustaining critical injuries from accidents. And as such, there could be many kinds of catastrophic injuries. The term, “catastrophic injury” refers to the gravity of the harm done to the victim’s physical body, which results in permanent disability.
Some types of catastrophic injuries include loss of limbs or amputation, causing reduced mobility in patients. Another example would be serious damage to organs. Serious injuries sustained by vital organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys could lead the patient to suffer from additional conditions as well.
Critical damage to the spine, or spinal cord injury, could also be debilitating. In addition to intense pain, victims with spinal cord injuries could suffer from spasms and even paralysis. In addition, spinal cord injury could also cause problems in an individual’s respiratory and circulatory systems.
Sustaining injuries in the brain can considerably be catastrophic. Brain damage could lead to loss of speech, loss or limited motor functions (difficulty in movement), even cognitive dysfunction (inability to think properly or make decisions), and loss of or poor memory.
Victims who also suffer from severe burns could also be victims of catastrophic injury categorically. Sustaining third-degree burns are not only immensely painful but could also cause victims to have limited mobility as a result.
What causes catastrophic injury?
The common cause of catastrophic injuries is getting into an accident. In fact, car accidents, which occur quite frequently in the United States, could lead to thousands of catastrophic injuries.
Also, workplace accidents could cause catastrophic injuries. And those who work in the construction industry could be quite vulnerable, as the nature of the job could be quite precarious.
In addition, slips and falls as well as escalator and elevator accidents could also result in catastrophic injuries.
Can you recover from a catastrophic injury?
Victims of catastrophic injuries might need longer medical treatment than individuals who have sustained less serious physical injuries. And while medical professionals provide the best treatment options available at the moment, one can not unfortunately fully recover from a catastrophic injury.
For example, individuals who need to be amputated will have to undergo surgery to remove one’s limbs. The surgical procedure would have prevented victims to suffer more damage as a result of their injuries. But they have also lost their limbs permanently. And patients could heal from the procedure and recuperate in the hospital. But they cannot fully recover from the disability of having lost an arm or a leg.
What is catastrophic vs. non-catastrophic injury?
Catastrophic injuries are severe physical injuries that cause permanent damage to one’s body. These could include loss of or limited organ function, loss of limbs, brain damage, spinal injuries, and other severe disabilities that could render victims needing extensive medical treatment.
Non-catastrophic injuries are also physical injuries, but they are less severe than catastrophic injuries. Victims who sustain non-catastrophic injuries could still fully recover from their injuries.
For example, a person got involved in a car accident and sustained whiplash injuries. She gets rushed to the hospital and was able to receive treatment for neck pain. And then, she is advised to take medication for weeks if the pain does not go away immediately. Also, she takes days off work to recuperate. Sometimes, the neck pain could interfere with how she goes about her daily tasks. A couple of months later, the neck pain is gone and she has fully recovered. This is an example of a non-catastrophic injury.
On the other hand, if the car accident victim received spinal cord injury as a result of whiplash, then it could be categorized as a catastrophic injury.
Listen now to get commonly asked catastrphic injury questions!
Listen now to get commonly asked catastrophic injury questions!
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What is the difference between an accident and a catastrophe?
Merriam-Webster defines an accident as an “unplanned event.” The dictionary also mentions that it is also an unexpected circumstance sustaining injuries as a result.
This means that an accident is a sudden happening without any intention from anyone to occur. Unfortunately, as a result of this unfortunate event, the victim sustains physical injuries from the accident.
A catastrophe, on the other hand, is defined as a tragic event with equally tragic results.
For example, a driver suddenly losing control of the brakes and crashing into another car on the road is an accident. It is an event without any advance planning.
If, for example, both drivers of the car crash sustain brain damage as a result of the accident, then it is considered a catastrophe. Brain damage is an irreversible condition from which one cannot fully recover. As such, brain damage is an example of a catastrophic injury.
Which is an example of catastrophic damages?
Damages refer to the compensation that the plaintiff demands from the defendant as a result of sustaining losses from the incident.
For example, a victim of a car crash has sustained serious physical injuries in the spine as a result of the accident. She decides to file a lawsuit against the driver who crashed into her car. In this situation, the victim is the plaintiff and the defendant is the one who caused the accident.
The plaintiff, with the help of her lawyers, lists down the many losses that she was suffering. But only losses as a result of the car crash. And losses could be monetary in nature. For example, recurring medical expenses like ongoing treatment. And also medication as well as loss of wages for having lost days at work.
However, non-financial losses could also be taken into consideration. For example, emotional distress and loss of quality of life as a result of catastrophic injuries.
All calculations of these losses will be done by lawyers and as a presentation of damages to the defendant. Damages are financial compensation to the plaintiff as a result of suffering from an accident through no fault of her own.
Catastrophic damages are damages sought by victims of catastrophic injuries. For example, severe burns, organ damage, loss of limbs, and other long-term disabilities.
What do you do after a catastrophic injury?
The first thing that victims need to do is to seek immediate medical attention after sustaining injuries.
Afterward, it will also be helpful to gather documentation on the accident that led to catastrophic injuries. Photos and police reports would be helpful, as well as medical documents. Because it details the extent and severity of the injuries from the accident.
And if the victim is considering filing a personal injury lawsuit for a personal injury claim for catastrophic injuries, she should look for law firms that specialize in personal injury cases.
Looking for a personal injury law firm in Houston?
State laws vary per area, so it’s important to look for law firms that operate in your state. For example, injury lawyers in Houston are experts in Texas state laws. And which could be different from state laws In New York or Florida. Houston personal injury lawyers would have a clear idea of how to go about catastrophic injury claims in Texas.
Are you a victim of catastrophic injury in the Houston area? Do you know someone who is suffering from catastrophic injuries? You might have a couple more questions about damages or contingency fees.
Roxell Richards Injury Law Firm has been fiercely defending clients for more than 17 years. She and her team has handled more than 20,000 personal injury cases since its establishment. In fact, the firm’s head, Atty. Roxell Richards is one of the best personal injury lawyers in the Houston area.
Get in touch with us now for a free consultation! You may reach us at our local phone number (713) 974-0388 or through our toll-free hotline at 1-855-GOT-INJURED.
Roxell Richards Injury Law Firm specializes in representing victims of catastrophic injury. Our experienced lawyers provide aggressive representation to help clients receive the compensation they deserve. Trust us to fight for justice on your behalf.
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