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Understanding The Average Payout for Car Accident Death

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Roxell Richards

Accidents involving cars can have tragic results, including fatalities. In such unfortunate events, it becomes crucial to understand the legal aspects associated with car accident settlements. And particularly concerning compensation for wrongful death.

In this blog, let’s delve into essential aspects of understanding the average payout for car accident death.


Party Responsible to Pay for car accident in Texas

In Texas, the party responsible for paying for a car accident depends on the concept of fault or liability. Texas follows a “fault” system regarding car accidents, meaning that the person or party at fault for causing the accident is generally responsible for covering the resulting damages.

Here are the primary parties that may be responsible for paying for a car accident in Texas:

  • At-fault driver: After determining that one driver is at fault for the accident, they or their insurance company are typically responsible for covering the damages. They will cover the other party or parties involved suffering from the accident in which they were at fault. And this can include property damage, medical expenses, and other losses.
  • Insurance companies: Auto insurance policies are crucial in covering the damages from a car accident. And in Texas, all drivers must carry minimum liability insurance to cover injuries or damages brought to others. If the at-fault driver has insurance, their insurance company may be responsible for paying the damages up to the policy limits.
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage: In cases where the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured or in hit-and-run accidents where the responsible party cannot be identified, UM/UIM coverage can come into play. If included in the injured party’s policy, this coverage allows them to seek compensation from their insurance company.
  • Other potentially liable parties: In certain situations, additional parties may share responsibility for the accident and its resulting damages. For example, if the accident occurred due to a defective vehicle component, the manufacturer or distributor of the faulty part may be held liable. In some cases, third parties such as employers or government entities may also bear some responsibility.

Factors why someone can sue you in Texas for a car accident

In Texas, several factors can lead to someone suing you for a car accident. It’s important to note that laws can vary. And that specific circumstances may have different legal implications. However, the following factors commonly contribute to potential lawsuits:

  • Negligence: You may be held liable if you were negligent while operating a motor vehicle. And an accident was the result of that negligence causing harm or damage. Negligence can include distracted driving, speeding, running a red light, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Violation of traffic laws: When you violate traffic laws directly causing the accident, you may be subject to legal action. And such violations could be failing to yield, improper lane changes, or reckless driving.
  • Failure to maintain a duty of care: Drivers are legally responsible for exercising reasonable care while operating a vehicle. If you fail to fulfill this duty and it leads to an accident, the victim may sue you for breaching your duty of care.
  • Vicarious liability: If you were driving as an employee within the scope of your employment, your employer may also be held responsible for the accident. And this concept is known as “vicarious liability.” This is employers can be held liable for the actions of their employees under certain circumstances.
  • Defective vehicle or product: A car accident may occur due to a defective vehicle or faulty product, such as defective brakes or tires. If it can be proven that a defect in the vehicle was the reason for the accident, the manufacturer or distributor may be held accountable.
  • Negligent entrustment: If you allow someone unfit or incompetent to drive, you may be liable for negligent entrustment. Especially if an accident occurs as a result of their negligent actions.

Car Accident Settlement Cost in Texas

The amount of money you can receive from a car accident settlement in Texas varies greatly and depends on several factors specific to your case.

But it is difficult to provide an exact figure for the average payout for accidental death. As each case is unique, and various elements influence the settlement amount.

So, here are some key factors that can impact the value of a car accident settlement:

The Severity of Injuries

The amount and seriousness of your injuries significantly impact how much money you get in settlement. And more severe injuries that result in significant medical bills and long-term disabilities. Or even permanent impairment generally result in higher settlement amounts.

Medical Expenses

The total cost of medical treatment, including hospital bills, surgeries, medication, rehabilitation, and ongoing care, is considered when calculating the settlement. And the more substantial your medical expenses, the higher the potential settlement amount.

Lost Wages and Future Earning Capacity

If your injuries were the reason for you to miss work, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages or even result in wrongful death cases.

Additionally, if your injuries result in a long-term or permanent disability affecting your income, factor future earning capacity into the settlement calculation.

Pain and Suffering

Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, can also contribute to the value of a settlement. Also, assigning a monetary value to these types of damages is subjective and may vary according to the circumstances of the case.


Determining fault and liability is crucial in a car accident settlement. If it is clear that the other party involved in the accident was primarily at fault, it may increase the potential settlement amount.

Insurance Policy Limits

The at-fault party’s insurance coverage limits can impact the maximum amount obtained through a settlement. And if the at-fault party has limited insurance coverage, it may limit the available funds for settlement.

Comparative Fault

Texas follows a modification of the comparative fault rule. And this means that your settlement amount may reduce proportionally if you are found partially responsible for the accident. After determining that you are more than 50% at fault, you may not be eligible to recover any damages.

Duration of a car accident lawsuit in Texas

An automobile accident lawsuit might last from a few months to several years. So we outline the typical timeline of a car accident lawsuit in Texas, including key stages such as investigation, negotiation, and, if necessary, trial. This section helps readers manage their expectations regarding the duration of legal proceedings.

Duration of an insurance company to settle a claim in Texas

Insurance companies play a crucial role in the settlement process. Understanding the timeframe within which an insurance company must settle a claim in Texas with accident lawyers is essential. We discuss the applicable regulations and claimants’ rights to expedite the resolution of their claims.

Cost of Pain and Suffering in Texas

In Texas, determining the monetary value of pain and suffering in a car accident case can be complex, as no specific formula or set amount is set by law. And the value of pain and suffering is typically subjective and varies depending on the case’s specific circumstances. However, several factors are commonly considered when calculating the compensation for pain and suffering:

  • Severity of injuries: The extent and severity of physical injuries and personal injury claims resulting from the accident play a significant role in determining the value of pain and suffering. More severe injuries that bring significant pain, long-lasting disabilities, or require extensive medical treatment generally result in higher compensation.
  • Duration of pain and suffering: Considering the time an individual experiences pain and suffering due to the accident. If the effects of the injuries are long-lasting or permanent, the compensation for pain and suffering will likely be higher.
  • Emotional distress: The emotional distress brought on by the injury influences the worth of pain and suffering. And examples of distress are worry, despair, terror, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Also, assessing the compensation considers the impact on the individual’s emotional well-being.
  • Impact on daily life: The extent to which the injuries and resulting pain and suffering affect the individual’s ability to perform daily activities, work, or enjoy life is considered. If the injuries significantly disrupt the person’s life, it may lead to higher compensation.
  • Supporting evidence: Documentation and evidence substantiating the pain and suffering experienced by the individual can strengthen the compensation claim. For example, medical records, expert testimony, psychological evaluations, and personal testimonies.

The amount a lawyer gets from a car accident settlement in Texas

The amount a car accident attorney receives from a car accident settlement in Texas can vary and is typically according to a contingency fee arrangement. And in a contingency fee arrangement, the lawyer’s fee is contingent upon the case’s successful resolution, usually through a settlement or court judgment. Here are some key points to understand about lawyer fees in car accident settlements:

  • Contingency fee percentage: The standard practice for personal injury cases, including car accident cases, is for the lawyer to receive a percentage of the settlement amount as their fee. The specific percentage can vary but is typically around 33% to 40% of the total settlement.
  • Negotiation with the lawyer: The contingency fee percentage is negotiable between the lawyer and the client. Some factors that may influence the percentage include the case’s complexity, the likelihood of success, and the anticipated costs and expenses involved in pursuing the claim.
  • Case expenses: Besides the contingency fee, the lawyer may deduct case expenses from the settlement amount. These expenses typically include costs incurred during the course of the case. For example, court filing fees, expert witness fees, medical record retrieval costs, and investigative expenses. Discussing these expenses with your lawyer and clarifying how they will be handled is essential.
  • Fee Agreement: It is essential to have a written fee agreement with your lawyer that outlines the terms and conditions of the representation. This includes the percentage of the contingency fee and how case expenses will be handled. And this agreement protects both parties and ensures transparency regarding the lawyer’s fees.
  • Legal fee regulations: The State Bar of Texas regulates attorney fees to ensure they are fair and reasonable. Lawyers must adhere to ethical standards when determining their fees. And any fee disputes can be addressed through the State Bar’s grievance process.

The average payout in a wrongful death suit

Determining the average payout in a wrongful death suit can be challenging. Because the amount can vary significantly according to numerous factors specific to each case. 

Here are some factors that can affect the average payout in a wrongful death suit:

Liability and negligence

If there is clear evidence of negligence or wrongful conduct on the defendant’s part, it may increase the likelihood of a higher settlement amount.

Economic damages

Economic damages in a wrongful death suit typically include medical expenses, funeral, and burial costs. Other expenses include loss of financial support, future earnings, and other quantifiable financial losses the surviving family members suffered. And the total amount of economic damages can significantly impact the overall settlement.

Non-economic damages

Non-economic damages aim to compensate for intangible losses. For example, pain and suffering, loss of companionship, emotional distress, and loss of consortium. And these damages can vary according to the case’s circumstances and the loss’s impact on the surviving family members.

Insurance coverage and assets

The available insurance coverage of the defendant and their assets can affect the maximum amount that can be recovered in a wrongful death suit. If the defendant has significant insurance coverage or assets, it may increase the potential payout.

State laws and limitations

Each state has its own laws and limitations regarding wrongful death claims. These laws can impact the types of damages recoverable and any applicable caps or limitations on damages. It is essential to consult with an attorney familiar with the specific jurisdiction’s laws where to file the case.

Nevertheless, car accidents resulting in death are tragic events that have far-reaching consequences for the affected individuals and their families.

Understanding the legal aspects surrounding car accident settlements, particularly in wrongful death cases, is crucial for obtaining fair compensation. And by exploring the topics discussed in this blog, readers can better understand their rights and the legal process in Texas. Included here are the average payout for car accident deaths, the role of lawyers, the duration of lawsuits, and other relevant factors, 

And while it is essential to consult with legal professionals for specific advice tailored to individual circumstances. Then this blog provides a valuable starting point for grasping the basics of car accident settlements in the context of wrongful death.

By being informed and aware, individuals and families can navigate the legal landscape more confidently. And more importantly, work towards obtaining the compensation they deserve.

Because legal matters can be complex, seeking professional legal counsel is always recommended. This is to ensure accurate advice and guidance in your unique situation.

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